Tuesday, September 22, 2009

I AM...

Can I just say once again how grateful I am? For life, love, my friends & family, flowers, blue skies, inspiration.... I am so in love with my children, and my husband! I feel very fortunate to wake up each morning and KNOW I AM SURROUNDED BY LOVE.

Today I read about a woman, wife, and mother who died, leaving behind a 2 week old child. I am struck once again, with how precious and amazingly unpredictable life really is. I am reminded how lucky I am to be able to stay at home with my baby for this long, nursing her, playing with her, watching her grow, marveling at her beauty. For this gift, I give thanks... and I promise to remind myself each morning how grateful I am for every moment of my life.

I found this mantra, on iammantra.com: "I breathe consciously & tune into the natural rhythms & cycles that are occurring all around me.” I think mantras like this help me to stay centered and connected, which in turn reminds me to be grateful. I need constant reminders, as I seem to be very forgetful lately, as a result of being pulled in a million different directions. They also have a facebook page, and twitter, with daily mantras to help keep you focused. 

I also found this new meme, called Mantra Monday. I am excited to have yet another reminder helping  me to stay focused. I continue to struggle with issues, yet they seem a little smaller each day that I fill myself with the energy of the universe, all due to feeling grateful. And in my opinion, any help is a good thing!


Friday, September 18, 2009

Jaden EATS part 2... video!!!

I have been meaning to post this video for a few weeks! I promise to be more faithful to this blog! things have just been a little crazy this past month!


Thursday, September 17, 2009



So, I gave Jaden pigtails for the first time yesterday. I thought I should do something with all that hair! To be honest, she didn't really enjoy it at first. BUT... then I got the camera out ~my phone ;)~ and she perked right up. HAM & CHEESE... Here are a few pics...

she loves to pose for pics

she is sticking her tongue out all the time now

this one is my favorite!

we had to take the hair ties out while she took her nap, and I could only had time to put one back in, so we did it fountain style, on top of her head! She sure does love her Daddy!!


Thursday, August 13, 2009

Things I love Thursday...

I love skin care products. I have been called a product whore more than once. I love giving myself facials! Lately my hormones have been a little wacky...so I have been changing up my nightly routine to find a regimen that works. My forehead is oily and breaking out, and my cheeks are dry. And oh, don't even get me started on the hyper-pigmentation (dark areas of skin) on my upper lip and chin...

So I have been using my Caudalie foaming face wash every other night, alternating it with Dermalogica's Dermal Clay cleanser. I love both, but the Dermalogica cleanser has some menthol in it, and I feel so clean after I use it.

After removing the cleanser from my face with a clean washcloth for a good exfoliation, I have been using Bliss spa's Oxygen mask. It foams up and tingles... I love how amazing my skin looks after about 5 minutes. When I have more time (when Jaden actually goes to sleep at a decent hour) I go a bit further and I use Bliss Spa's Steep Clean mask. It has a dual chambered bottle that pumps out two different products. You mix them in your palms and apply to your face. It contains a mix of enzymes that are activated when you mix them together. I leave it on for about 10-15 minutes. I can feel it working!

After I rinse my face, I have been using Skin-Ceuticals B5 hydrating gel on my cheeks. Then I apply Caudalie night cream. It has a mixture of herbal ingredients that help to fade hyper-pigmentation.

Sometimes while my mask is on, I use a pumice stone on my heels and apply Caudalie Extra Hydrating Mask to my feet. I am guilty of wearing flip flops all summer and my feet get so dry. That mask works wonders on my poor feet.

I end my home spa treatment with a little bit of Young Living Peace and Calming oil on the back of my neck and lower back.

I go to bed feeling so relaxed and revived after I treat myself to this... I sleep amazing and I awaken the next morning feeling rested and ready to start my busy day with a renewed sense of self. I think that when I take care of myself I am a happier mother, wife and friend...
for more Things I Love Thursday posts visit HERE


Wednesday, August 12, 2009

Wordless Wednesday: COVER GIRL!!

